Monday, May 12, 2014

From a Big City to a Small Town

Heya everyone!

It was so nice getting to skype home last night. Happy Mothers day again!

For the first time in my mission, I am not in a big city but small town. I am settling into Wrexham quite well. I love the area, the ward, and most importantly, I love my companion. I am surprised by how well we get along and how well we work together. We are both on the same page of how to help our area thrive and progress. Sister Lee is a powerhouse missionary. She is so bold and is really focused on the needs of those we teach-- every single time. I know I have much to learn from her.

Now that I am out of a YSA ward I now have tea appointments with members again! It is so beautiful! haha. Another thing I love about being in Wrexham is that I get to see the country side. I saw some sheep the other day and a little hedgehog. Good ol' nature :)

Serving in the Man YSA taught me a lot. I am grateful for the skills and lessons I have acquired from serving there. Some of the few lessons I learned in Manchester was to ask EVERYONE for referrals. Sister Lee and I have received a few referrals from people on the street and the members have a lot of names of people they know that I have been keeping track of. This ward is full of potential referrals! I hope to work with these member referrals. As I was trying to get to know the ward on Sunday, I sat next to this teenage girl named Molly. I asked her who her family was and she told me she wasn't a member but enjoyed coming to church. She lives down the street from a family in the ward. I don't think she is meeting with missionaries.. I will ask her the next time I see her if she is interested in taking the lessons. There are also a few part member families here too. I am praying that those nonmembers will have the desire to learn more about what their member family believes.

The WML in Man YSA also encouraged all of the ward missionaries to teach the members the message of the restoration. I have seen great success thus far as I have applied that counsel to this area too. The members are really feeling the Spirit and gaining a great excitement to do missionary work.

One thing I love about being in a family ward again is that now I can teach families too. My whole mission I have dreamed of finding and teaching a family that can go to the family to be sealed in the temple. My family was sealed in the Nauvoo temple in 2009 and I can't wait to share with families my experience.

There is so much to say about Wrexham but I will share with you some of the miraculous miracles Sister Lee and I had in just one day:
1) We were handing this young mother a pass along card and she told us she was a member. She moved from Liverpool 3 or 4 years ago and hasn't been to church since because she didn't know there was a church here. She wants her little son to come to church. We have her address and will definitely pay her and her family a visit.
2) A man we stopped to talk to wasn't interested in learning but when we asked if he knew anyone he said his girlfriend would be. He gave us her number. We contacted her the other day and we scheduled a time to go see her.
3) Alicia- We were heading back to the flat for tea and every single person we talked to rejected us. We kept saying ''just one more person!'' and we ran into this girl named Alicia. We told her that through prayer she could learn truth and she told us she has been confused about things and she accepted the invitation to pray on her own. We are seeing her again today.
5) We taught a power lesson with George, the Bishop's son who is going on a mission to Greece in July. It was his first time teaching with the missionaries. As we were walking with him after the lesson, we talked about the lesson and he told us he felt the Spirit was strong during the lesson.

This work is great. I love my mission. Even the hard times. I am learning to appreciate both the good and bad for the Lord promises that ''all these things shall give [us] experience, and shall be for [our] good.''

Love you all!
Sister Jordan


           A sign with English and Welsh. I am so fascinated by all of them haha

                                                      Transfer Day

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